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31 Jan 2017


Native drum, Udu
#Talking Drum

Bang bang bang!
were the beats of the
village drummer as 
Masqueraders danced

hither tither in horror
Bang bang bang!
The beats struck again
So does my heart beep in 

terror For the drummer
calls the face of warriors
past; Amidst the morning 

stars I do pant dreadfully
of which is safety; that
neither there nor here is
white and as the cloud did

turn dark and gloomy day
older folks ran into bricks
of shelter yet i roamed about
the shadows of evils hut

At the center of this market
square; this local drummer 
Struck again, again and again
Bang! Bang! Bang!

I fell on earths face beseeching
Mercy kissing the feet for the
storms of Africa have scattered
Oceans of foliages over this

square unleashing woes of
special insignias; amidst the 
Realms of such naivety I am
an alien and a lamb fit to 

atone sacrileges I am ignorant
of; that these drums do talk --its
drummer bask in the euphoria 
of a saviour; the rains of Africa

battered my face for the drums
Bang bang bang
Were not mere beats of terror
But the three edged foots of

the fork of ancient annihilation
Yes! the rains of Africa battered
my face as the feet of these
beautiful masqueraders Fades

away; for as I shut my eyes to death 
trees in Africa held my hands in tears.

Excerpt from Silent Whispers

By our poet, Esperanza Obene Ibim. 

Facebook: facebook.com/Esperanza-Obene-Ibim


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