Article - Proven Natural Homemade Remedy to Cure Stomach Ulcer ~ KOKSNATION

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21 Sept 2022

Article - Proven Natural Homemade Remedy to Cure Stomach Ulcer

Enduring the pains from a burning stomach line and wounds is a daunting task; it is one that knows no gender. The presence of H Pylori through contaminated food or water is something you won’t advise even your worst enemy to experience because, the result is an ailment people generally attribute to not eating food - Ulcer.

We all know the challenges people face every day trying to manage or either find a lasting solution to Ulcer, another of that challenge is the continuous expenses on several medications in a bid to curb the ailment, but at the end, nothing happens, rather, it becomes a ceremonial illness. 

Remedy to Ulcer

But what are the remedies or what can one do to finally put a stop to Ulcer? There have been speculations from people regarding a certain treatment process that puts an end to Ulcer but the testimonies are what make it true.

According to an online dietician g_diets, who specializes in diets and nutrition, he says, using natural foods and abstaining from certain things we eat can foster a greater health; he also endorses good life and healthy eating, part of his mantra is: humans were not born to eat food all the time, this means, we need to take breaks intermittent from eating.

Below are natural remedies to curing Ulcer

Fasting: Fasting has shown that it is a proven way to a healthy living, g_diets advises that it helps for detoxification, weight loss, recuperation and to re-energize. He also says the human body isn’t built to always eat food, hence, give your body time to digest the whole food it has taken in, this enables for a healthy gut, stomach and liver. Fasting has also proven to be a life-saver, testimonies show that, it has helped people regain their health and conquer Ulcer.

Here are few tips to enable you observe a worthy fast:

During fasting, always stay hydrated, and if you can, use cucumber/Carrot infused water or eat them raw and take your water. You can fast for 24-hours, 12-hours as the case may be, and also, ensure that your last meal is by 6/7PM and your first meal is from 12 noon.

While undergoing this process, you’ll experience loss of weight, which isn’t strange, more so for Ulcer patients, but after the whole process, you’ll experience subsequent recoveries.

The Plantain Remedy: Eating black plantain or what we know as unripe plantain has been proven to cure Ulcer. The high calcium in plantain is a best bet to heal the lining of the stomach wounds especially, the sticky particles. All you need to do is, boil the plantain with salt and eat, nothing extra should be added.

If you can, the unripe plantain solution is another medicine to cure ulcer; chop the unripe plantain and fill into a water bottle, pour some water into the bottle up to/above the plantain level in the bottle, allow to ferment for two days, shake and take as your liquid whenever, three times daily.

Note, the above solution attracts foul smell, and it causes one to pass out smelly fart randomly, but, the idea is to be healed of your ailment.

Been an ulcer patient comes with abstinence from certain foods, hence avoid foods like:



Spicy & Pepperish foods

Noodles and Pastas

Much intake of liquid Milk and other dairy products




While you’re cutting down on the intake of those foods, try to also avoid stress and strenuous exercises, cut down on the too much aerobics, and always get some rest, Ulcer patients need adequate sleep and rest.

If you need more advise on healthy living, diets and nutrition, follow g_diets on Twitter via - G_DIETS_

Excerpts Written by – Williams Prince Chibuike



Tags: Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Diets, Nutrition, Ulcer Remedy


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