Controversy: What Have You Done Because of Money? ~ KOKSNATION

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31 May 2023

Controversy: What Have You Done Because of Money?

Controversial Topic: Because of Money

The controversial statement that money is not everything still spurns disbelief amongst some persons, not because, there's no truth in it, but because it's truly not a fact. 

No matter how you look at it, it's notable that having money is an essential part of any human's life but the downside is how you go about it. 

The ironical mantra about money is that: it is the root of all evil, yet it answereth all things. This leaves me with this question, can you stay a time without money? 

No matter how we downplay the effect of money in ones life, it surely covers our needs, wants and extras.  

Looking at the world today, the most stigmatization anyone without money can face, is from the society at large. That's why you see people behave a certain way around those who has money. At the end, it is said that everyone has a price. 

Excerpts Written: by Williams Prince Chibuike



Also Read: Parental Guide, The Standards

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