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11 Dec 2016


Everything is trying to fit into the recent trend, and the radio stations aren't left out. It's almost here and a perfect show to feature the program “air your number” on the evenings of every weekend.
People call in and air their numbers hoping to make friends, meet their possible spouse and start a relationship with someone they haven’t met.

Here is the thing, they call into the show, air their numbers, mention their criteria and hope to be matched with anyone who fits the category. Others who can't connect,  use other platforms to give out their personal details.

It might have recorded successes over the years but the dangers associated with this uncensored and unprotected mantra is something to have a second thought over. However,  it is not only associated with the 'relationship' matters. In terms of prize claims, it is requested that winners call their numbers online.

It's not that serious; Yeah! Nobody cares. True, but you are actually exposing a part of your privacy to the public. Moreso,  because you never know who is listening at the moment.

Following the rapid level of desperation in our present time; I can holistically tell you, there are more bad persons than good out there. 


You have no life insurance, property assurance and personal details security. Your personal data and everything about you is publicized. Do you know that someone might copy them and use them against you? With what is happening now, your details might be used to track you. What is the tendency that 9/10, the person you’re meeting with is genuine? How safe are you when you meet with the person?

Giving out your details on radio, makes you outrightly prone to deceit. This not only shows your desperation but categorically might put you in the wrong hands. The person who match your criteria and fit into the perfect life partner you wish to have might be play-acting or working behind the scripts?
People can be deceptive, Remember! 

Can you prove that the person you’re meeting is genuine. Do you know if the person is real? You know these days; people can be anything and do whatever it takes to achieve their selfish desires in the name of survival.

Most of these match-making relationships don’t always last. There are other ways to get a spouse, make a friend or meet your life partner. Meeting over the radio frequency does not guarantee you a perfect person and a long lasting relationship.
Relationships of these sorts hardly last because you barely know each other and the circumstances at which you met are literately 'flirting'. Most times, their is this guilt of "how we met" always ringing in your heads.

It's actually an act of desperation when you jump into every trend. Trying to meet up with the standards of the time. People of good virtue, character; tenacity and even realistic individuals hardly meet people on radio over some “love show” or “air your numbers” junkie. Reputation wise, this act is immoral. It does not speak well of one’s reputation.
A well cultured person will not call into a radio show and plan for a realistic hookup.

People are always enticed by the voices they hear over the radio, sorry to say this but majority of the voices you hear do not match with the kind of faces you meet. Normally, according to our judgments, Nice Voice - Fine Face right? But that's not how it works. 
Majority have left disappointed when they meet with the nice voice they heard over the radio; it’s either the person is not what they expected, the face or the physique does not match what they wanted/heard.

People air their numbers and details not their appearance.

If it is mandatory out of desperation to air your number and personal detail over the radio, tread with caution because insurance and assurance does not cover you.

Life itself is a risk,  our everyday living is a risk but do not throw yourself into it. There's no legal backing to airing your details over the radio. It is an entertainment and social trend.

But recently, radio houses now tread the right path, they use a loud music as a background while they talk to you on the line,  hence the listeners have no idea of what you're giving out.  This is only applied when it's a matter of prizes to be claimed. 

You mustn’t engage yourself because you want to be heralded or join in the trends of the times. Act wisely!

Author: Williams Prince Chibuike 

Disclaimer: This piece is not written to rubbish or cast aspersion on any organization or person of any kind. We hereby state that all information given here is factual and for enlightenment purposes.
Tags: Social media, Lifestyle.

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