Self-Meditation and Me ~ KOKSNATION

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2 Aug 2022

Self-Meditation and Me

The human life is ironical, this minute you’re busy, the next, you’re caught in your own thoughts, trying to figure things out. This is life trying to tell us that irrespective of how lively we are, there comes a time in our lifetime when we need to relax our head and hibernate.  

The importance of self-meditation to humans can never be overemphasized; it is so important that counselors and medical practitioners prescribe at least, ten minutes of quiet time per day.  This will give you the leverage to undergo the brain and mind reset; to some, it can be a time to reminisce and get a clearer picture of what happened, what should be and what can be done.

Why Self-meditation

Self-meditation does not only relax the brain, it also serves as a ‘call to order’ when you have no idea whether you’re towing the right path. These days people rarely have lone time, we are so engrossed with work descriptions, smartphones, social media and partying, that we forget to take care of our inner being.

Analogy of Self-meditation

Martin Cooper, the inventor of the first handheld phone (Motorola) in the 1970s, once told Jayne McCurbin during an interview with BBC Breakfast that she should get a life; this statement came forth when Jayne McCurbin told Martin Cooper that she spends at least five hours on her phone daily. This is Cooper trying to tell us that we should take a pause from the entire busy schedule and have a quiet time, alone with ourselves.

Benefit of Self-meditation

Just like sleep and Yoga; Self-meditation is a re-setter.   


Excerpts Written by: Williams Prince Chibuike

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Tags: Self-care, Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Living, Health, Lifestyle, Society, Self-meditation, Yoga, Mind Exercise, Wellness


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